Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sunday morning...
Monday, July 25, 2011
Yard art...
In general I am not a big fan of "yard art," but when friend Liz gave me the metal chickens here I had to grin. I made this little garden under my bird feeders, laying mulch where the spilled seeds land, adding the wonderful baths made by a creative local guy, and a bucket of flowers where the animals can't get to it. This little oasis of color attracts my eye, and the wild birds and chickens, too.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Memory triggers...
It is funny the things that trigger memories. This Portulaca blossom, (also known as "Moss Rose") reminds me of my sweet mother in law. Vernice Inez Parker Conner was beloved by me for many reasons; most of all because she created my precious husband. She loved to work in her yard and garden, and she told me once that Moss Rose were among her favorite of flowers. I plant some every year and take time to be grateful for her life when I see them bloom.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The new garden...
Chris was determined to grow some peppers this year. We have not had any luck at all with them in the past. He was delighted to harvest this bad boy yesterday. We cooked it up and it tasted better than any we could have bought!
Chris and I walk out each night to see the progress of the plants. It is a delicious pleasure!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Learning not to interfere...
Mama duck hatched 10 ducklings. They are, I must say, probably the cutest of all baby animals.
Mama hatched them inside the chicken coop. During the day she takes the ducklings out in the yard where they nibble on grass seeds, splash in the water bowls and nap in the shade. At night she tries to take them back to the safety of the coop... away from owls and other predators. The ducklings have trouble with this concept.
Mama says something to them in duck lingo. The fuzzy babies all fall into line and follow her, until she reaches the ramp to the coop. There, mama duck goes up, and the babies stand beneath and holler.
Mama comes back down. She leads the babies around for a while, then heads back up the ramp. One or two follow, the rest? They stay on the ground and holler. Loudly.
Mama leaves the coop. The ducklings that are with her follow. It is maddening to watch.
I want to scoop the ducklings up in a net and toss them into the coop. I want to "HELP."
But the duck, with her thimble sized brain, has it all figured out. Over and over, patiently, she descends the ramp. She leads a few babies up. Repeat. I quit watching after a while. When I went out after dark mama duck was in the coop, hovering over her babies. They were all safely in the coop. No thanks to me.
I take this as a life lesson. Interfere less. Let life happen more.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Life is persistant...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Yesterday her long days of waiting were rewarded. There are ducklings! They are tiny and fuzzy and impossibly cute. Belle is still on the nest, keeping her new charges warm and safe. I suspect there are still eggs hatching under her downy chest. I can hardly wait until she brings her fluffy family out to meet the world.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Garden tales...
We have two vegetable gardens this year... and they are doing beautifully. For supper we have the sweetest peas, the freshest salads. There are tiny peppers and tomatoes coming along, too. Soon there will be summer squash and zucchini and more. I love to just stand in the gardens, surveying the neat rows of food there for the picking. It is like viewing magic.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Gifts that keep giving...
In June, 4 turkey poults arrived. They were tiny and loud; much like baby chickens but with bigger eyes and a nosier, noisier nature.
Fast forward to now. The poults look like Emu's that got shrunk in the wash. And they are the most curious creatures! If I am out in the yard they are near me, watching what I do. If I sit a while one will end up sitting beside me, or on my leg. If we have supper at the picnic table some of the babies sit with us. We should not encourage this but they are so cute we can't help it. We slip them a snack or two.
In this photo two turkeys are sitting on a log with two baby chickens the same age. The turkeys are growing in leaps and they bring me great delight. They are, truly, gifts that keep on giving.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Translucent moments...
A friend of mine lost her only daughter, 19, in an auto accident. I can't get that family out of my mind. Many years ago I worked in a nursing home. I don't think I will ever forget the first deaths I experienced. What surprised me was that when a person died, the world kept on going. Time continued to pass, people maintained their schedule's and agenda's. I felt as if there should be something to mark the magnitude of the loss of life. Because the passing of one life affects the lives of so many others. I felt that the world should pause- or something- at the moment of the passing.
But the world doesn't work that way. So I have come up with my own method of commemorating treasured lives. I do it by trying my very best to enjoy the small moments... the fragile, translucent, floating seconds that fill up our days. Like shimmering soap bubbles they are here then gone-- gone in an instant, but celebrated while they were here.
This is the only way I know to have any hold at all on the treasures of life.
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