When my daughter was seven or eight years old, she had multiple opportunities to meet and interact with a young man running for Congress. He was kind and friendly and made a positive impression on her. He was also undeniably handsome.
She accompanied me to the polls on voting day, and I was pleased for her to witness her mama performing her civic duty. We lived in a big city then, and the polling place was a very large room packed with people. My daughter was excited by our adventure and quietly asked me lots of questions, which I answered to the best of my ability in a soft voice.
When I got to the part of my ballot that led me to choose the candidate she knew or his opponent, she piped up in a thunderous voice, "Mom, you have to vote for ____." I asked, "Why is that, honey?" hoping she would have some insight into what the man stood for. "Because, mommy, he is SO BEAUTIFUL!" The room erupted in laughter.
It was one of my favorite voting experiences ever. And the beautiful guy won.