Saturday, December 27, 2008


At the wane of the year I wax reflective. I like to think about the things in the past 365 days that went wonderfully well. And also on the losses, lessons and mistakes. As I grow older I recognize how swiftly time passes, and this gives me incentive to try to make some plans for the year ahead, so that I might make the most of those days that wing by on the calendar. Last year I made a list of things I wished to accomplish. Last night I checked, and though I failed miserably at a few of the things I desired to achieve, I had some impressive successes. And because life is delightful, there were some totally unexpected surprises. The sorts of things that make me wake up smiling, ready to see what else is in store. My new calendar is at the ready, a blank slate, full of the promise of joys I cannot yet even imagine. I am SO excited!
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1 comment:

Billy Rafferty and Jill Cahr said...

This a breathtaking picture! Thanks for sharing.