Friday, February 20, 2009

Blue and white night...

It snowed yesterday and all day today. Yesterday was a mix of snow and rain, leaving about 6 inches of heavy wet stuff coating every twig and wire. Today was decorated by big, soft flakes. Feathery crystals that drifted down in slow motion, barely accumulating at all. The sunset was rosy and beautiful, but I got home too late to capture it on film.

I had a whim to make pizza from scratch, and as I mixed the dough I glanced out to see the world was blue. The sky was dusky, and the snow reflected the hue. My camera snagged the flavor, and the snow peppered the image of pines cut from black paper, like a grade school art project.
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1 comment:

An Open Heart said...

I love this photograph....I wish I was there.....