Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mouse, out of the house...

Last winter, in the deep cold, someone pawned an abandoned baby field mouse off on me. I took very good care of her all during the cold months. She feasted on pop corn and sunflowers, fresh fruit and home made bread. This week, when the weather was reliably warm, we set her free.
There is an old, abandoned chicken barn across the street. It is filled with excellent mouse habitat; piles of lumber, stacks of hay; all surrounded by lovely meadow. On a warm late afternoon, we set "Twinkle," free. I left stacks of sunflower seeds in strategic places, and a pile of warm nesting material, too.
I am hoping that Twinkle will find friends, have a family, enjoy life in the big world. And I am really hoping she does NOT become owl fodder. This photo is the last shot of her as she dashes for a safe place to begin her life outside captivity. We wish you a long and happy life, Twinkle!