I used to joke that I wanted the words, "She got a lot done" on my gravestone.
The last few days we have gotten lots done! We had a big painting project, painting all the front porch windows, (250 plus individual panes!) Chris then scraped and cleaned them all, (and OH! they look so nice!) We rented a tiller and tilled the vegetable garden, and also enlarged one of the front flower beds. I brought some beautiful landscaping rocks from my friends house and made a nice new border for the garden, planted some new shrubs and mulched the whole thing in. It looks amazing!
I weeded and planted my herb garden, (3 kinds of sage, basil, dill, tarragon, lemon verbena, lavender, coriander, parsley and more!) and planted the vegetable garden, too. Tomatoes, peppers, carrots, broccoli, summer squash, zucchini, winter squash, lettuce, sunflowers and celery. I interviewed someone for an upcoming article, fed dinner to friends two nights and ... dyed Flirt PURPLE. She causes a sensation wherever she goes.
Yup, I got a lot done.
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