Friday, July 2, 2010

Slug slayer....

I took a break from gardening to refill my water bottle, leaving my gloves on the deck rail. When I went to retrieve the gloves mere moments later, one had fallen into the herb garden. As I bent to retrieve the glove, I noticed it wiggled a bit. I went to get my camera.
Under the glove was this small snake. Chris, an everlasting little boy, insisted on picking it up. I was glad he did when it flashed this red underbelly at us. I have never seen this type of snake before. It is a Northern Red Bellied snake, and I was overjoyed to read that they eat SLUGS.
Since we have a bumper crop of slugs here, and since slugs like to eat everything I grow, the thought of a glove hiding, slug eating snake in my garden makes me glad of heart.

1 comment:

solarity said...

So, so pretty! I didn't know the Northern Red Bellied snake even existed.

Mary Anne in Kentucky