Thursday, January 27, 2011

What I recieved for my first married Christmas...

At heart I am a simple woman. Here is proof. On our first married Christmas in 1984 my sweet husband asked me what I might like to receive as a gift. I gave the matter a lot of thought. Our budget was minuscule, so diamonds and fast cars were not an option. I wanted something meaningful. Something ROMANTIC.

So I did the only thing I could. I asked for a cast iron frying pan.

My husband, who was used to me being a confusing little minx, cocked his head like a puppy and asked, "A what?"

"I want a cast iron frying pan." He, (understandably) questioned my request. (I think he was envisioning a cartoon bubble that included me bashing his head with said pan.)

I continued, "I want to have a nice pan to cook you breakfast in for the next 50 years." He made the "aw" noise and I got my skillet.

The skillet above is actually a replacement of the first one. The original skillet was BROKEN, (yes, I said it, broken) by Tiger Lilly, or bad, bad boxer. This one is broken, too. Note the uneven metal on the left, that used to be a little handle thing till, (you guessed it) Lilly broke it.

The thing about cast iron is it gets better the more you cook with it. It becomes "seasoned." A seasoned pan makes things cook well, bringing out the optimal flavor and prevents sticking. Kind of like a long term marriage, now that I think about it. Lots of flavor, not many sticking points.

See, my gift WAS romantic!
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1 comment:

solarity said...

But how did you live before that? I cannot imagine life without an iron skillet. It would be like trying to cook without a knife.

Mary Anne in Kentucky