Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adventure Chicken Rides Again...

My chickens have nice lives. They have access to almost 2 acres of fenced yard to wander in, scratch around and explore. They have a custom made coop that is bright and clean, insulated and cozy. Plenty of food and a lovely electrified water bowl to insure they have a nice drink on even the coldest of days. Most of them appear to be more than content with this set up. Then there is Adventure Chicken. This chicken has a restless spirit. For the longest time she'd hop the fence every day to explore the front yard, scratch in the herb garden, and if possible duck into the messy garage to lay her egg somewhere we'd never find it. My husband found this vexing and spent a good bit of time plotting ways to keep this bird where she belonged. On the other hand, I found her antics totally charming. I admired her pluck. This fall she stopped her wanderings and stayed with the rest of the flock. It made me a little sad. Then a few days ago my husband called to me, "Look at my car!" I glanced outside and saw my wayward hen perched on the hood of his Subaru, checking things out. Adventure chicken rides again! She has been nipping away from the other birds all week, going places she shouldn't and making me smile.


solarity said...

Will Adventure Chicken have any Venturesome Chicks? (Seems unlikely if she likes to lay in garages.)

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Rain said...

Everyone should have a spunky chicken in their lives!! Yay....spirit on little chicken!!