Thursday, March 29, 2012

Speaking of lambs...

In my last post I mentioned that March is supposed to "come in like a lion and go out like a lamb." Well... today we popped in on our neighbors and they had... LAMBS! Five of them, and more on the way. I almost died of an overdose of cuteness watching them bound and leap and listening to them call out "Maaaa!" in their tiny, high pitched voices. I got to HOLD them. They are impossibly soft and sweet smelling. We also saw the neighbors beautiful horses and totally adorable American Alpine goat, "Peaches." Peaches is smart as a whip and has the run of the place. She took a shine to us, apparently, because when the truck door swung open she hopped in!
I was sorely tempted to bring her home with me... maybe I need to add a goat to the place?


Sennebec said...

Love your blog! And, ofcourse, love the pictures of the lambs. Can't wait to see more! Thank you!

solarity said...

You definitely need a goat! I am holding off on goats until I can keep my vegetable garden going, and then add chickens, but you're there already.

Mary Anne in Kentucky