Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I worry that I bore people with my endless posts about my animals. But one of my favorite readers requested more pig pictures and information, so here goes! Thanks, Jeff, for asking! In the above picture the piglets were snoozing in their hutch during the heat of the day. I called them and they came rocketing out. I rewarded them each with a few cookies.
And because it was hot out, I gave them a cool shower. They stood quietly looking so happy.
This is Tiller, the boy pig. He is one fine swine! The pigs are very entertaining to watch. They run and play, flop over in the dirt and roll and kick. They carry sticks, roll rocks, give each other hip checks and grunt in tones that seem awfully conversational. At night they tuck themselves into "bed," and sleep quietly all night. At feeding time they squabble some. It is a treat to watch them drink milk, they slurp it down with apparent pleasure. They are not so excited about vegetables, unless I cook them and season them up some. It is entirely possible that they are a wee bit spoiled.


Rain said...

Oh my goodness Daryl-I've never read a boring post on your blog!! Love the piggies-miss our rescue from the pig scramble! Egor! My 2 4-H ers caught him and brought him home to fatten and feed the homeless shelter! But my they really are smart-in 3 mos he gained 250 lbs!!

Cottagecheap said...

Love the pigs. Now you have to worry that the REST of us, your readers are jealous that Jeff is your favorite! XO