When the sun slipped out from behind the clouds,it set all the ice along the way into millions of prisms. Gasp worthy!
The roads had quite a lot of snow and ice on them, and we drove carefully. It took just about an hour to arrive at our destination. The girls rode calmly, making the occasional quiet little bleating sound. No potty accidents occurred. GOOD goats.
This big, beautiful, old barn belongs to my friend Joy. She has quite a few goats, and raises Sables. This is the farm where we bought the mother of our doelings, and it was a sweet sadness to bring them here to (hopefully) continue her bloodline.
The girls were curious about the new surroundings, but walked calmly on leashes into the big barn.
We introduced Celeste and Novella to the buck. There was some canoodling.
And some discussion about manners.
The girls will stay a while and hopefully be bred so we can have some sweet new kids in June.
Back home, Luna goat and Chanel pony are looking everywhere for the doelings. I wish I could tell them that they are safe and cozy and will be back soon.
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