For my day, Chris told me we could do anything I wanted. The sun was shining, the birds singing, and I wanted to tackle some yard chores. We had two yards of good mulch loaded into the back of the truck, and while we were out we picked up a new hummingbird feeder, and a an adorable bluebird house, hand made locally by a disabled man. No two of his houses are alike, but they are all whimsically wonderful.We've had a pair of bluebirds hovering about, seemingly unimpressed by the houses we already have up. Within hours of hanging this new one, a handsome male bluebird was scoping it out, clinging to the front and peering inside. I so hope he and his mate will choose to nest there, I'd be delighted to watch them raise a brood.
Chris heroically shoveled a LOT of mulch. There is more to go, but we made a dent and things are looking prettier.
And THEN, he delighted me further by hauling heavy cinder blocks and cutting boards so I now have some benches in my wee little green house!
He grilled up a few steaks while I did evening chores, and the heavens capped off a lovely day with a colorful gift over the back meadow.
I'd say it was a pretty perfect day, all told.
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