Sunday, May 22, 2016

Show time..!

Several years ago I made a nice friend when I bought a goat from her.  She has since become somewhat of a mentor to me, teaching me much.

She is taking 7 of her goats to a show next weekend.  When people show their goats, they clip their hair off to make it easier to see their conformation.  My friend asked me for a clipper recommendation. I offered to loan her one of my very nice grooming clippers.  The clippers I use to groom dogs are made in Germany, and I worked part time for the company that makes them for many years.  Aesculap, or "The German Red Clipper."  They are so powerful, I always thought they would be great for working on livestock. I was right!

Today my daughter and I went to my friends farm to show her how to use the tools. I could only clip a little with my left hand.  Rachel did a lot, and my friend is a quick study.

It was fun.  The goats were sweet, and we had some laughs as we sheared those thick, shaggy coats off.  They looked very nice with the hair newly sleek and smooth.

The little goat loved Rachel and snuggled right up to her.

 I was sort of surprised she didn't come home with us. 

Today was a stunning spring day, and it was fun to get out a bit, spend time with my friend, my daughter and other "kids." A little change of scenery is good for the soul.  Next weekend we'll go to the goat show and see our newly clipped friends strut their stuff.

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