Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Sometimes it seems that winter is a time of waiting.

The birds wait to find food.

The garden waits for warmth and light.

The stock wait for hay delivery, (and hope it's the good stuff!)

Please note the ice on Abraham's lashes.  I tried to get it off, but he shied away.  Maybe it makes his view shimmery? 

 Bravo waits for me to take him for a walk or throw his toy.

It is snowing today. All but one of my customers called to cancel. The one that didn't cancel was 10 minutes late.  "I'm sorry to be late, " he said. "We went off the road and had to wait for someone to come along and pull us out of the ditch."  Mainers are intrepid that way.  He had a cup of coffee and a brownie while I groomed his dog, then slid out of my driveway and headed home.

I am biding my time for the storm to pass so I can shovel the walk ways and stairs.  The day unexpectedly empty before me, I should tackle my endless to do list, but instead I tarry with my camera in hand, or try to capture the mood with words.  It's quiet and cozy indoors, the light low and soft behind the lace curtains.
I wait for inspiration to tackle jobs to strike. I fear I may be waiting a long time.

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