Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Farmlette happenings...

There is much life here at FairWinds. The new kittens are getting bigger and bolder, dashing around the pasture, chasing windblown leaves, climbing the tree outside the grooming studio window to smile in at us.

They are very friendly, and purr loudly and often. We are enjoying them.

Then there are the goat kids. As they enter week #2 of their lives, they have picked up speed and endurance.  They run, leap, twist, dance, prance and entertain. I love looking out the window to see their antics, and find myself chuckling out loud several times a day.

I've taken to making sure I have my phone or a camera with me at all times when I do chores. Otherwise I might miss being able to show you scenes like this one...

Abraham has taken to standing next to objects such as the goat teeter totter or some other slightly elevated thing. He stays still until a kid or two leap up onto his broad back. And then he looks most pleased, and is very still while the babies dance upon him.

After a long winter of being coop-bound, (my chickens do not appreciate snow) the flock seems so happy to be out scratching around. They peck and dig, take luxurious dust baths, strut and flap.  The big guy in the foreground here is my sweet rooster, Harrison Ford.  I just like looking at him. He is huge, taller than my knee, but gentle.

In the north east corner of our pasture there is a little place we call, "Puddle Pond."  In the wet seasons, this low area becomes a rather large, deep, puddle. The ducks love it, and spend hours there splashing and gliding about.  To my delight I saw visitors there recently.

A lovely pair of Canada Geese. I wondered what the ducks would think of the interlopers. They appeared not to notice them, and peace reigned.

Springtime is busy here, and so full of life it never fails to energize me. I can hardly wait to wake up every morning to see what wonders are in store, right here, before my very eyes.

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