Saturday, July 25, 2020

Conner luck...

In our family we joke about what we happily call "the Conner luck." It's finding an empty parking space in front of the busy restaurant you are going to, having all your flights arrive and depart on time when traveling, catching the item you were wanting to buy at a crazy one-day-only discount.
It's a lovely thing, this luck, and we are grateful when it happens. But perhaps, never more grateful than last night.

After a long day working, we had company over for supper. Chris grilled up some grass-fed steaks, and we had the first fresh corn on the cob of the season.There was delicious bread from the farmers market, and icy cold drinks enjoyed around the picnic table in the back yard. Despite being tired from a busy week, we had a jolly visit. When the mosquitoes began to bother, we came inside and got the dishes started.  It was nearly dark when I poured myself a glass of wine and sat down in my favorite spot. Chris found an entertaining television show for us to watch, and we relaxed for a couple hours before heading up to bed.

The last thing I do in the evening is let the dogs out for a final potty break. Knowing they have a cookie waiting, they run out, do what they must, and hustle back inside. But last night Bravo let out a fierce roar, "Intruder, intruder!" he barked.  Flirt chimed in, shrill and serious. At that very instant the unmistakable scent of skunk wafted in through the open windows.

(photo Harpswell Heritage Land Trust) 

With my heart sinking, I rushed to the door and called the dogs. Flirt came right away, but Bravo did not. I grabbed my big flash light and hurried down the long deck that leads to the yard.  Bravo was there, sniffing something with great interest.  He came when I called him, wagging happily. I had him sit then lifted his handsome head so I could smell him. The humid evening air hung so thick with skunk scent that at first I couldn't tell if he had been perfumed or not. Chris came out, "Did he get hit?" he asked.  "I can't tell, will you smell him?"  Leaning down, he inhaled deeply. "He's good!"  So good. Such excellent dogs. A very close skunk encounter, but neither needed a midnight shampoo.

Chris often quips that we are "richly and truly blessed." This was luck and blessings at their finest.

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