Monday, July 12, 2021


 When I was a teenager, my boyfriend's mother taught me to knit. I never progressed much past making simple things, and sometime in my 30's, I gave all my needles away. I taught daughter Rachel the art when she was in her single digits, and she and some young friends had a knitting club (dubbed "The Knit Wits."). She kept on and has far exceeded her teacher's skills, creating amazing works of knitted art. 

Last summer, I was inspired to knit again and made some wee booties for a friend's baby. And now I am working on a blanket softer than soft, with a simple little lacy edge. I have made errors, though the pattern is not complex, but there is love in every loop. 

There is more than stitchery being created. I've been keeping a long secret, holding it like a warm treasure, close to my heart. 

The cozy blanket I am making will swaddle a new baby. 

A grandchild is the richness of tradition, the excitement of youth, and the promise of tomorrow. We are expecting our tomorrow this fall. I am joyous. 

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