Sunday, January 15, 2023


 It was a lazy day. We had a quiet morning and a peaceful afternoon. The furnace was turned up higher than usual, but I felt chilled. I knew the goat cozy needed cleaning but was having trouble motivating myself to go out in the cold and take care of business. Around 3:00 PM, Chris chided me that we needed to get out and take care of it. I was cozy. I didn't want to go out. But as always, he was right, and I knew it. 

I put on my thick barn coat, my insulated boots, and my heavy gloves.  Bravo was excited, ready to go. I checked on the chickens, freshened their water, and gave them some treats from the kitchen. I took some grain to the goats to keep them busy while I worked and got to shoveling. Chris joined me and hauled each wheelbarrow full of soiled shavings out to the manure pile. 

Just as we began to work, some sort of frozen stuff began to fall from the sky. It hissed loudly on the metal roof. I found I was no longer cold. It felt good to be outside. 

After the floor was swept clean, I emptied a full bale of sweet-smelling pine shavings. I filled the hay feeder, topped off the mineral feeder, and gave the girls a bucket of water. Knee-deep in clean bedding, they looked pleased. The freezing stuff continued to come down, and I locked everyone up early.

Bravo danced about, and I tossed his toy for him. 
The frozen stuff still fell loudly from the sky. 

It clung to Bravo's coat. He didn't care. He ran and played. 

To my surprise, I  was happy to be outside. Frozen precipitation hit my face and bounced loudly off my coat.  I wandered from the goat house to the chicken coops, checking on all the critters. Everyone was fine and snug in their houses. It was time for me to go back to mine.

Inside I made us a simple supper. As it baked, we sat by the fire and read quietly. I sneaked a peek at my handsome husband in his chair beside me. This day, just the two of us, taking a rest from our work, it was a gift. As is every day that we are lucky enough to share. Especially the lazy ones. 

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