Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Although we have had little snow this winter, there was enough ice on the ground to severely limit the chickens and goats from getting out much. This is the first winter any of the young poultry has seen, and even if I leave their pop doors open, the birds have stayed firmly cooped up. They might stick a curious head out the door, but when they saw the white covering the ground, they backed up and stayed stuck inside.  But last Thursday, I heard a triumphant crowing under the window. I was delighted to see that the small bantam cochin rooster and his three ladies from one coop and the large Australorp rooster with one bold hen from the big coop were out exploring. I will have to try harder to get a representative photo of Stan the Man, the Australorp. He looks black at first glance, but in the right light, he is iridescent green and quite stunning. The single brave hen who has been venturing out with him is a Gold Laced Wyandotte. They make a beautiful pair. 

The diminutive Cochin's tend to stay in a tight flock. However, today when I went out late afternoon to exercise the dogs and check on all the animals, I saw The Donald in trouble. He had apparently launched himself upward and became stuck fast in the field fence. I don't know how long he had been there, not more than a few hours, but clearly long enough to work up quite a temper.  I tenderly worked him loose and reunited him with his ladies. He let loose a long tirade of chicken cuss words as he stomped off. 

The goats watched with apparent interest and steered clear. There was still a light frosting of white in the pasture, and I could see their wee hoof prints patterned all around as I exercised the dogs. They have been exploring and setting goals for springtime grazing. 

More snow is in the forecast this week, but it won't be long before all the critters of FairWinds are out roaming and exploring. Stuck no more. 

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