Monday, January 1, 2024



We ended the year quietly, just as we began it, together at home. It's our favorite place to be. 

For me, the year's high points include getting a new knee. I am a little more skeptical about modern medicine than some people, but oh! how grateful I am to walk pain-free. The recovery was not much fun, but I got through it thanks to Chris's excellent nursing care, Rachel's running the grooming business, and an incredible physical therapist.  The improvement in my life is a new wonder to me every day. 

I surpassed my goal of reading fifty books by three and wrote and published many articles. I practiced being a "Lovie" by enjoying every second with the Owlet. Well, almost every second. Some of her two-year-old tantrums are a little trying. I was proud of the quality of grooming we put out daily, had many laughs with my daughter while we worked, and made some excellent memories with our lovely customers. 

Chris and I celebrated 39 sweet years of marriage with a lot of gratitude. We know how lucky we are and don't take a day for granted. 

This morning we started off the new year in a unique way. We took two of our goats back to the farm where we bought them so they could have a romantic liaison with a buck. It seemed fitting to start the year with the hope of new life, and nothing is livelier than a bunch of tiny baby goats flouncing around the place. 

As we open the new calendar to a fresh, blank page, we happily anticipate the wonders that will unfold. 

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