Saturday, October 5, 2024

Feathers, wood and whimsey...

 As sure as the days are cooler, as the leaves change color, as the yard is filled with dew-spangled spider webs, there is also a delivery of whimsical pumpkins from our sweet friend Penny. It is something to happily anticipate every autumn. 

There are other signs of the change in season. The wood is stacked and ready for the cold days to come.

And the chickens are molting. The lovely feathers that have kept them warm and dry for an entire year are worn and falling out. They are everywhere in the yard and layer the coop floor in a downy, multi-colored pile. The birds look bedraggled. The rooster has lost his cocky tail feathers and seems somehow diminished. Looking closely at this Buff Orpington's neck, you can see the new feathers emerging in their casings. The birds will be dressed in bright new plumage in a few weeks, but they are a sad sight for now. I'm giving them high-protein snacks to help boost their nutrition as they go through their annual transformation. 

I ordered fanciful autumn-colored ruffled collars for the goats because it makes me happy to see them out frolicking in the pasture bedecked in plaid. Here they are checking out each other's finery. 

They seem to approve. 

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