Spring takes its time arriving in Maine. Today was delightfully warm and sunny. Chris headed off to do his typical Saturday errands, which include going to the bank, buying groceries, taking trash to the transfer station, and picking up anything we need at the hardware store.
I cleaned our big chicken coop, and lit a fire in the ring in the backyard. It crackled companionably while I worked and smelled nice. I picked up sticks and twigs and bits of paper and bark and such that had been blown around the yard by winter storms and tossed them in the fire, making a nice dent in backyard clean up. I also goofed off a little, avoiding cleaning the goat house as long as I could. I sat for a while listening to the song birds, who are all tuning up for mating season. I heard a nuthatch, a song sparrow, a cardinal and tufted titmouse. They sounded glorious.
The chickens are enthusiastic about the change in seasons. They have begun to dig dust wallows where they roll and fluff their feathers, working dirt deep into their downy fluff to absorb oils and repel insects.
I normally quite enjoy cleaning the goat cozy, but since the weather has been unpleasant for the last few weeks, with lots of ice and snow, I had not cleaned it in a while. I layered fresh bedding on top of the old stuff, so the goats had a soft, dry surface to stay warm. This works great, but cleaning it up is a chore. I easily raked up three barrows full of dry hay and shavings. But beneath that I had to work hard to scrape and rake up the heavy, wet layer that remained. It was about as much fun as I expected it would be. I hauled heavy barrow after heavy barrow away, and got quite a work out. It was so warm that soon I shrugged off my coat and gloves. It was lovely to feel the sun and air on my skin.
I was almost finished and my back was complaining. Just then Chris returned from his errands and came outside. He kindly filled the last wheelbarrow with what remained. I fell in love with him all over again. All that was left to do was sweep up the last little bit and spread a bag of fresh shavings. The instant we were finished the goats all rushed to inspect our work. It makes me laugh every time.
They are enjoying the weather as much as I am. There has been lots of running, head butting, and goat dancing. Joy on hooves.
Spring toys with us here in the north, but days like this make it all seem worthwhile.