My sister came to visit for New Years Eve. We spent the morning sitting side by side on the sofa, laptops fired up, matching electric lap blankets going. It was lazy and delicious and just what both of us needed after a busy holiday season. After that peaceful morning we went to the fish market and bought some fabulous swordfish steaks for supper. Later we enjoyed a special meal, a movie, a walk outside to bid '20 farewell and then we headed for our beds long before the ball dropped.
She brought Ruby Wrinkles with her. Ruby is one of the puppies Opal had last summer. She's cute as a button, and was incredibly well behaved. Bravo and Opal were thrilled to see her. (Flirt was less amused.) It's a little hard to get a picture of her, because she is a perpetual motion kind of puppy. We loved having her little self here.
Deb had planned to stay longer, but the weatherman had dismal things to say about a new storm, so she packed up and headed home yesterday afternoon.
Around 2:00 AM I woke and glanced out the window. The world looked brighter than normal, so I knew the forecasted snow had begun. I snuggled in and went back to sleep. Later, a little past dawn, I woke again, and the light from the window was leaden and dull. This told me it was still storming. The dogs went out to potty and were fast about it. I stoked the fire, turned the thermostat up a little, and laced up my boots. The snow on the deck was wet and heavy, and what was coming out of the sky resembled raindrops more than flakes. This type of precipitation makes for a messy, slippery world. I fed and watered all the animals, and shoveled the steps and paths. Chris came out and used the snow blower to clear the driveway. There is hardly any traffic going by, so I can only assume the roads are a fright. I'm not going anywhere.

One of my Christmas presents this year came with the added bonus of a belly laugh. Friends and family tease me because my preferred palette when it comes to décor is white, White and more WHITE. Chris had noticed that my trusty camera was being problematic. The flash refused to work, and some of the settings were glitchy. So he did some research to find me a new one that would still accept all my nice lenses. He found just the one he wanted, and as he went to order it he noticed, in small print, the words, "also available in white." I imagine he grinned when he clicked on that option. As I opened the box he said, "You've never had one like this before." I peeled the wrapping back and began to laugh. I laughed until my eyes leaked. Now I have a camera that blends with my decorating style, and I couldn't be happier.

In keeping with this theme, he also got me something (white!) I had specifically asked for. For the past 30 or so years, our mattress and box spring have been on a plain metal frame, with no head or foot board. I have been wanting a real bed for years, but since it was a want and not a need, it hasn't made the "to buy" list. I love to read in bed, and it's so much more comfortable when there is a headboard to prop pillows on. I saw this bed on line, very reasonably priced, and plunked it on top of my wish list. Although assembling it was a bit of a project, Chris managed the whole thing with his trademark skill, good humor and epic patience. I love it! Once it was all assembled, however, I realized it took up several inches more floor space than the old frame did, so this morning I got right to re-arranging the room. I think it looks terrific. (Cozy quilt made by beloved sister in law, Brenda.)

While the fresh snow and ice come down I am spending this early day of the year being quiet, making plans, setting goals. Happily.