Saturday, November 15, 2008

Living the dream....

OK, so maybe my dream is simplistic, but it's mine and I like it! Pictured here? Whole milk from a local dairy, eggs from my own hens this morning, and see that blob of yellow? Locally made dairy fresh farm butter! I had it on my home baked corn muffin this morning and my taste buds did a happy dance. The fresh milk tastes... well... like milk only so much better. And it so cute in that jar that I grin when I see it. Life is good.


Cottagecheap said...


gotsnoopy said...

We have a little farmers market that I can get fresh butter - cow butter, as they call it. We can also get fresh milk, but I think it's had some pasteurizing process. I'll have to look the next time I get it. I love milk, and that fresh milk is almost chewable!

I envy you!