I made Rachel's favorite breakfast, waffles with berries and whipped cream. Then we set out on what, when she was wee, she would have called "a big adventure!" We drove south, stopping where we felt like it. We did a little shopping, as little sight seeing. A bald eagle flew low, low towards us, majestically taking our breath away.
We discovered a fun little town with a shop full of wonders, and had a snack at a cute old country store.
Then we went to Pemiquid Point and scampered over the rocks, breathing in air riddled with sea salt and evergreens.
Home for her favorite supper, corn chowder and biscuits... cheesecake for dessert... and presents that made her shriek with glee.
I'd say it was a lovely beginning to her next decade. And I loved it, too. A day so nice, I blogged it twice.
Here is our big rachel remembrance: it was supper time and Rachel was 2 and was a bit whiney....Momma-Daryl looked at her and said, "It's so hard bein' 2!" and "Rachel-Page" nodded a BIG nod and said in the cutest southern drawl, "yay-us"...and then she was ALL BETTER ! She just needed to be heard!(we used and still use this in our own child-rearing...we still quote both of you !!!! Shoot, we even do so when one of us adults are feeling a bit whiney!)
Happy Birthday Rachel. She is a lovely girl, as is her mum!
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