Sunday, March 8, 2009


Tired after a long day of teaching and tradeshow, I rode a crowded elevator up to the 13th floor. Standing next to me was a little girl who looked to be about 7 years old. As the doors shut and the elevator swiftly lifted, she tilted her shining face up at me and whispered in total wonderment, "It gets us there so FAST!"

And in one sentence she washed away my weariness and let me share in her excitement of the magic that surrounds us. Not just an elevator, but a shining push-button silver adventure.

Oh! The things I take for granted!
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1 comment:

solarity said...

When my mother was a social worker she had to take clients to the city to the doctor from time to time. One time (about 1940) she took a woman in her forties to see a specialist. On the drive home, the woman said "Miss G, that little room we went into? Was that an elevator?" and when my mother said yes, she said "I thought it might be. That's the first time I've ever been in one." She had totally kept her cool in public, but she was thrilled.

Mary Anne in Kentucky