Sunday, November 11, 2012

I should have...

Thanksgiving is mere days away. I should have spent today tidying up the yard, fixing up the guest room, organizing the pantry.
But instead we left the house just after chores were done and drove down scenic roads, past waterfalls and rivers and lovely places to New Hampshire where niece Emily and her good husband, Jeff, have purchased a wonderful new home. They were having a party to celebrate. The house is terrific, there is lots to be happy about.
They are still unpacking and settling in, but it is clear that their new place is going to be a blessing to them.
I got to be with all my siblings... all but sister Dicy. Oh how we miss her! It is kind of funny to look at this picture and see all the gray hair. This aging thing is something I constantly have to try to wrap my brain around.
I should have been washing china and ironing tablecloths and more. But instead I captured a day full of family. Nothing could be more beautiful.

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