Monday, November 12, 2012

Obama the unwanted rooster...

If you are a regular reader of this blog you might have noted that my friend Marion is often involved in escapades involving animals. Especially livestock. One might call her an instigator, or an enabler. Well, she's done it again. She had a very pretty little rooster that she didn't need, and she talked me into adding him to my flock, even though I had previously sworn off roosters altogether. You see, one does not need a rooster to have chickens that lay eggs, and in the past my roosters have all decided that I am something that needs killing. No matter that I keep their coop clean and warm, their food pan filled to the brim with the best chicken feed money can buy, and several pans of cool, clean water out so that they are never thirsty, one by one each rooster I've had has developed a keen hatred of me. They fly at me with their sharp spurs. If you think being attacked by a bird is no big deal, I challenge you to give it a try sometime. A rooster can hurt. So I am skeptical about this guy, but he is good looking and the ladies find him charming. Since he was delivered on election week I dubbed him Obama. I can only hope he'll serve his term well.

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