Wednesday, October 18, 2017

New project...

For months my energy has been directed towards THE. WEDDING. And now the wedding is over and I had a couple days of "down time."  Today I was back to work, with a very busy schedule.  And then my neighbor stopped by, asking if I could give up some goat milk to help a littler of new piglets.  Their mama is not doing well and has stopped producing milk. Of course I could!

Thirty minutes later the neighbor was back.  "Would you consider taking a few piglets?"  Of course I would!

In a blink these three babies were tucked into a crate in the grooming room.

Their farmer told me that even though they are only 3 days old, they could probably learn to drink out of a pan.  I warmed up some goat milk and quickly found that she is right. They are hardly neat, but they sucked down milk and then piled up for a cozy nap under the heat lamp.

Bravo thinks they are fascinating, and spent much of the day watching them, and licking their little faces if they pressed them to the bars of the cage.

Funny how the universe delivered a new project just when my old project was completed.  

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