Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October wedding...

The wedding happened, wonderfully.
October 15 dawned misty and turned to rain, but that passed and left us with a cool but perfectly fine day to celebrate.  Our efforts all came together and the place looked welcoming, whimsical,
 and warm.

 The flower girls were precious.
 The bride radiant.

And there were the most amazing flowers. Evans lovely aunt and cousins brought flowers in vases and old blue Mason jars and galvanized tubs. Little pots filled with rosemary (for remembrance!) brightened the tables. Their arrangements took my breath away.

 Friend Danie decided to make even the powder room special, and festooned it with roses everywhere. Perfection.
And she thought the bride and groom needed to be immortalized with enormous caricatures. 

 I love this image of my handsome Chris, captured in the wonderful old mirror we hung in the garage.

We had twinkle lights and other lights and we even...

hung lovely lace over the utilitarian florescent bulbs on the garage ceiling, elevating them to something rather magical.

Despite a few frosts, my gardens still boasted riotous blossoms.

The tent and linen dressed tables made things look quite festive. 

We had plenty of food, and wine and home brewed beer and champagne and soda and cider and coffee and everything.

Abraham sported a bow tie (made by the talented Barbara Ford!) and let all the children sit on his broad, fuzzy, back.  He loves kids.
The wedding cake was as delicious as it was beautiful, and was topped by a vintage cake topper which has previous graced the grooms maternal grandparents cake, as well as his parents cake, and many other family members wedding and anniversary cakes.  A sweet tradition.

 We got a little silly and made the newlyweds milk a goat. Because, well, why not?
I only cried a little, tiny, bit, but was deeply moved watching my beloved pledge her love to her beloved.  Chris and I held hands, hard, as we watched the milestone moment.
And now the wedding is over and sweet memories of a special event remain. I am steeped in gratitude to all the kind family members and friends who worked so hard to make it all happen.

 The couple is off on a lovely honeymoon, and a whole new chapter is beginning.

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