Sunday, April 28, 2019


 One irrefutable fact about sharing a life with animals is that they leave us with deep sadness when they die. In February we had to set Smooch the Pug free from a life that had become more painful and confusing than joyful. He started out as my dog, but switched his allegiance to Rachel many years ago. Still, I loved him and he was here a lot; a funny, cuddly, quirky, maddening, adorable little guy.

Luckily, we already had a plan to add a new puppy to the family, and soon she came to lighten the load of grief. Rachel and Evans named her Opal, and she's a delicious little gem.  Feisty, smart, funny, and a supreme snuggler, she has us all smitten.

Bravo, who looked for Smooch each day when Rachel came to work, fell hard for the new morsel. He allows her to hang off his graceful plume of a tail, and lies down so she can leap all over him, biting his face, ears, paws, and deep ruff. If she gets too wild he places a gentle leg over her, pinning her down, then proceeds to polish her with his tongue from her smushed nose to her cinnamon bun tail. By the time he's done she's sleepy and settles in for a nap.

Flirt was not convinced that any creature smaller and cuter than her had any merit. But she is grudgingly coming to accept the charms that Opal has to offer. 

There are lots of treats being handed out as Opal is trained, and those get shared with any dog in the vicinity. Sometimes, when she thinks no one is looking, she even takes a little snooze with Opal beside her. The puppy radiates a luscious warmth, irresistible to even a curmudgeonly poodle.

Having a puppy around is a mixture of delightful challenge, affirmation of life, injection of laughter, and the joy of falling in love, all over again.

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