Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sensational 60...

For the past 6 months or so I have had the fleeting thought, "I'm almost 60!" Mostly this happened when I was lifting a 50 pound sack of animal feed or tossing a hay bale from one spot to another. As my birthday approached, we chatted about how to celebrate. Due to the Corona virus pandemic, a party was out. Traditionally Rachel and I go antique shopping to celebrate, then have a special lunch out, but most stores and all restaurants are closed. It seemed that my "round" birthday might be a little flat.

I woke up early, cooked breakfast for Chris, then did animal chores. There is a daily satisfaction in making sure all the critters have their needs met.While I worked I was serenaded by a song sparrow on the burn pile, filling the air with the sound of spring. A pair of Canada geese passed low overhead, singing their haunting song. A loon, newly arrived from southern climes, called from the lake. The air was chill and a dusting of late snow clung to everything, but the mud underfoot promised the changing season is underway.

 I cleaned the donkey dorm and goat room, and sat watching the baby goats frolic in the fresh shavings. After that I tidied up the house and headed for a long shower. Rachel arrived and handed me a sinful hazelnut frozen coffee to enjoy while I stood in the warm steam.  So far my day was off to an excellent start.

When I was a kid one of my favorite birthday treats was Icebox Cake. Made with thin chocolate wafers layered with whipped cream, the concoction chills in the refrigerator for hours. The cookies absorb the whipped cream and the simple creation tastes... well, to me it tastes like love and happiness. Rachel kindly put one together for me.

I had read that an antique mall we like was still open, and I called to check. I was told that they were not, but if we came and knocked on the door, they would let us in. We were off.

The only customers there, we took our time and poked around, finding several treasures to bring home. The morning clouds had parted, and though a cold wind was blowing, we stopped at a local beach just to be near the water a little.

Our next stop was to grab some take out Thai food. We took it to the Belfast harbor and dined while enjoying an excellent view.

Back home a fine family supper, a pile of thoughtful, creative gifts and that amazing cake capped off a day that was a worthy celebration of a major birthday.

Add to that the blessing of this day being the 36th anniversary of our wedding, I can happily say despite these challenging times, I am among the most blessed of women.

It was a sensational 60!

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