Monday, June 22, 2020

Half way celebration...

Both my husband and my son in love have birthdays in December. They have enlightened us that having a December birthday is not much fun when you are a kid, and they both have rather sad, fatalistic feelings about their natal celebrations. This past year, Evans (my son in love) birthday was especially lacking in merriment for a variety of reasons. They kept the observance to a bare minimum, and it chafed on Rachel. She and I are seriously into birthdays. Fast forward to spring, and Rachel was still talking about how Evans didn't have a good birthday. She hatched a plan. We got to help.

When Rachel was a little kid, I would sometimes surprise her with some goodies on her half birthday. A half of a cupcake, or a dollar bill torn in half. I'd sing her half the birthday song. It was fun and silly and she still remembers it. Since Evans half birthday fell in June, far, far from Christmas festivities, Rachel thought it might be fun to plan a surprise for him. And we did.

She invited a group of his friends, and swore them all to secrecy. Some of them have a very poor track record for keeping a secret, but this time they all got an A+. Because of Covid-19 fears, we held the part outside in the fresh, farm air. Chris grilled burgers and yummy freshly made local sausages. We had potato salad, pesto pasta salad and garden salad. Evans' dad brought his famous baked beans. There were crudites and dip, hummus and chips, grilled peppers and onions. I baked a marble cake with mocha frosting.

Everyone showed up right on time. Rachel propped the scarecrow of Evans that our friend made for the wedding up at the end of the driveway. She put a party hat on it and hung a "happy birthday" banner. Soon Evans arrived. He thought he was coming to a little family supper. But there were all these CARS parked. He looked puzzled. We all yelled "SURPRISE!" Rachel zipped out and told him the party was for him, to celebrate his half birthday. For one brief moment he looked peeved. Then he grinned and said, "I think I've been punked." 

Indeed he had been.

The day was fine, if a little hot. There were plenty of cold beverages. And good humor. Soon Evans was greeting his pals, chatting happily. Laughter erupted.

In the middle of it all, I had take care of the farm animals. The goats get milked at 6:30 AM and 6:30 PM, and though they don't wear watches, they know the time.

Bliss went out of her way to step, HARD, with her sharp hoof on a guests foot as we walked from the milk bench back to the pasture. He was wearing flip flops. He took it like a man, but I know from experience it hurt.

Marion started an amusing game. She blew a noise-maker at Bravo. He was astonished!  He play bowed and bounced, barked, ran zoomies around the table, barked some more. It was all quite entertaining.

Opal checked to see if anyone had left a burger unattended. (She is wearing panties because she is in season.)

Flirt went from person to person, begging to be worshiped. People happily complied, and held and petted her. This dog LOVES a party.

We had a wonderful time celebrating Evans. This half birthday thing may need to become an annual tradition. I doubt, however, that we will be able to punk him a second time.

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