Monday, February 8, 2021

Cardinals, cars and culinary compliments...

 I've been experimenting with my new camera, and it is good. During recent snow I captured this handsome lad, looking dignified.  

Moments later I snapped his more comical side.

Less amusing is the fact that Chris's car decided to give up on life. This is sad because he has not had it all that long (though it wasn't new when he got it.) He drives a lot for work, but is frugal and was looking for the most inexpensive car he could find. I suggested/nagged otherwise, and to my delight, he bought a gently used car that still has years of warranty on it. At first, he was a little self-conscious about having such a nice car (traditionally he has me drive the better vehicle) but by today the sheer joy of having a pretty, clean, fun to drive car had kicked in. He is delighted with his purchase. I am thrilled to see him heading off with safe wheels below him. (It's a Nissan Sentra if anyone is curious.) 

We serendipitously celebrated the purchase with a small feast. Neighbor Cheryl was recently gifted a mess of oysters. She found opening them to be arduous and asked if we'd like them. I asked son in love Evans if he was game to shuck a few dozen mollusks, (it is one of his many talents)  and when he agreed, I invited Cheryl to bring her bounty and join the four of us for some oyster stew. I've only made it a few times, but we all think it is pretty amazing. Since a batch of Oyster stew makes small (but rich!) portions, we planned it as an appetizer.  

The oysters were delicious, and the stew, made with cream, milk, and butter all from a local dairy, was quite tasty. After we polished it off, there was garlic roasted chicken, (one we grew here) a big bowl of Ceasar salad, and a fresh out of the oven fragrant, crusty, loaf of bread that Rachel made. At one point Cheryl looked at me and asked, "Who eats like this?" It was a fair question, and I was happy that the answer was, "WE DO!" 

Our weekend was marked by Cardinal's, cars, and an excellent compliment. 

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