Sunday, March 14, 2021

Signs of spring...

 I took the ice grips off my boots today. This is a small celebration. One of many this time of year. 

Day by day the old snow and ice have been retreating, leaving mud behind. The mud freezes then thaws again. Local dirt roads are all but impassible. This is not a pretty time of year in Maine by anyone's standards. But signs of spring reveal themselves each day. 

Bluebirds are investigating the houses we have out for them. I hear them calling their sweet, trilling song and it seems full of promise. 

Robins are making an appearance from warmer climbs, and we've heard the springtime song of Red-Winged blackbirds. I was even a little bit excited to see a housefly. The goats and donkeys can now meander all around the pasture. They look about hopefully for shoots of green, but it's too soon for that. I imagine they are heartily sick of hay.

When I open the coop door in the morning, the chickens are lined up waiting to rush out. After weeks of barely leaving the coop, they seem happy to be out scratching about and soaking up some sun. They have kicked up egg production, too, now that the days are longer. 

The apple trees have been pruned. In no time they'll be covered with blossoms and humming with bees. 

I treated myself to this little "Tree of Enchantment." It started out as just bare branches, then little catkins appeared. They dropped off and now bright green foliage is sprouting. I will find a spot for it to be planted outside. The label says it will grow to be 5-6 feet tall. I think it's adorable. It's fun to have growing things inside, a harbinger of days to come. 

It's cold today, we even had snow flurries. This is the way March is in Maine. One step forward, two steps back. But my steps will be without ice grippers as I walk towards the hopeful season. 

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