Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 I have written about this topic before, but it deserves another mention. 

I opened my home business here 8 years ago in August. A week or two into my new routine, Chris kissed me, left for work, then came back into the house. He went into the grooming studio for a moment, then left and drove away. When I went in to work an hour or so later I found a perfect red and orange maple leaf on my grooming table.  It was too early in the season for the leaves to turn, but Chris had seen this one lovely harbinger of autumn on the lawn and thought it would delight me. He picked it up and left it where he knew I'd find it. I was thrilled by the beautiful leaf, but even more so by the thoughtful gesture. I sent him a thankful message and posted about it on Facebook. 

When he tells the story it goes something like this, "I am Pavlov's husband. I did something, she liked it, I'll repeat it." So, every day, for the past 8 years, he has left me what he has come to call, "a daily love offering. Or a 'DLO,' or, even, 'a dealio.'" Sometimes it is candy. It might be lip balm or lotion. A jar of mixed nuts, a treat for one of the animals, seed for the wild birds I delight in feeding and observing.  If I have a desire, I'll text it to him, and with a few days, it will magically appear.  

Last week a groomer on social media posted this picture. 

A vintage bottle shaped like a poodle. She didn't know what to do with it. I suggested she send it to me. She politely declined.  I love vintage bottles and dog stuff, and I thought this bottle was amazing. I'd never seen one like it. I had no idea where to find such a thing, so I sent a picture of it off to Chris. 

This morning when I opened my eyes there something on my bedside table. A poodle bottle of my own!

I popped some fresh flowers in it straight away. Today's daily offering is a special treat. 

Sharing my life with a man who strives to bring me joy each day is the most special thing of all though. I am blessed beyond measure. 

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