Sunday, April 23, 2023

Groundwork and gratitude...

 We have had some lovely spring days as April winds down. I know many of my readers live further south and have a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that we still have frost some nights, that it is too soon to plant gardens, and that migratory birds are still newly arriving here. Indeed, I discovered my first dandelion today. They are the earliest flowers here and the first food for the bees as they emerge, so though they are considered weeds, they are something to celebrate. 

I planted some pansies in tubs; their happy faces bobbing in the spring breeze are one of my favorite sights.

Today we did some seasonal chores. Chris took the windows off the goat cozy and hauled two animal hutches to a corner of the pasture until we need them next. This simple move made things look much tidier.

We picked up some windblown trash from the yard and pasture. Chris repaired a troublesome gate that was allowing the naughty goats to escape into the backyard where they were nibbling sprouting iris and lilies. They also like to dance on the picnic table, and today little Glory climbed into the fire pit for a nap. I am happy that their mischief has been curtailed. 

Together we did a deep clean on all the animal houses, sweeping out every corner before piling in bright shavings. Bravo supervised. It's the last time I'll be able to do this happy chore for a while; I'm passing my pitchfork off to others for a bit.

On Wednesday, I say "Hasta la Kneesta" to my right knee. My bones are worn out, the joint collapsed, and as much as I dislike dealing with doctors, hospitals, and... needles (!) I am almost looking forward to having it replaced because pain is exhausting. A friend told me that the recovery is "obnoxious." I like that word. I think I can handle that. And I am endlessly grateful that I have a whole team of people to help me. Chris took ten days off to wait on me. Rachel will be here to keep the studio running and assist as needed, too. My sweet sister Deb is coming for the first days to lend a hand and bring yummy food. I am most fortunate to have the opportunity to have this problem repaired and to have a support system to see me through. I must admit, though, I'm going to miss my pitchfork. 

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