Monday, April 17, 2023

Sounds of spring...

 Our bird feeder has been visited by some unusual migratory birds recently. Pine siskins, petite and modest in shades of brown with soft golden highlights, a few brilliant yellow pine warblers, and this yellow-rumped warbler that was very fond of our suet cakes, have been sharing their meals with us. It is fun to see their unfamiliar faces. 

The air is filled with song as breeding territories are established, wood thrushes sing from the tree line,  loons call from the pond, and in between, robins are whinnying, and bluebirds and cardinals trilling. The quote, "My favorite season is bird-chirping season," by L. Hartwould, echoes in my head. 

From the vernal pool at the pasture's edge, the tiny peeper frogs begin a chorus at dusk. I well remember my mother's delight at the sound of them in early spring each year, "A true harbinger of spring," she would say, her pretty face wreathed in smiles. After the long, silent winter, spring is filled with joyful noise. 

The other day I noticed a blob of an animal in the field across the street. It was bigger and darker than a groundhog and moving slowly. Rachel popped the Owlet into her backpack and went to investigate. It had moved, rustling into the underbrush, and, when it saw them scuttled up a tree. A porcupine, possibly the one that damaged the bark on my beloved crab apple tree, gave them a baleful stare and vanished into the high branches. 

We've slowly begun to clean up the yard from winter. Yesterday we burned a small brush pile, and we hope to tackle the larger pile this weekend. It was a cool, drizzly day, and the weather was warm enough to hook the garden hose up in case the fire got out of hand, so we spent some happy time alternately piling wood into the ring and sitting to enjoy the sight of the dancing flames. 

The Owlet loves the warm weather and asks to go outside frequently. She has invented a sign that means, "Go out," looking at the door and twisting her chubby wrist, mimicking the motion of turning a doorknob. "Do you want to go outside," we ask. She gives her biggest smile and signs an emphatic "YES!" She is toddling now, and it is a treat to see her tiny self exploring the world on two wee feet. We are looking forward to days warm enough to let her enjoy outdoor water play, which will truly delight her. 

We embrace the noise and joys of spring. 

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