Saturday, July 1, 2023

Happy on the hoof...

 It's been a while since I brought any new livestock home, so that had to change. I've been missing milking goats, and none of mine are producing milk right now, so I contacted the farm where mine came from to see if she had any freshened (a goat who has recently kidded and can be milked) does to sell.  She had three to choose from, and I liked the looks and description of one she called "Effie" the best. It took a few weeks for our schedules to be compatible, and today we took a drive and met the newest herd member. The farmer's handsome son gave her a lift to the truck. 

The other goats were lounging on Billy Goat Gruff Bridge when we arrived home. They hopped up when the new girl bleated. Here they are assessing each other. 
The existing goats, Plenty (center), Grace (left), and Glory (right), were all sporting fresh bandanas for the occasion. I put a rusty orange one on the new girl, thinking it would compliment her colors. I was right. 
We decided to change her name from "Effie" to "Happy," we hope she will be happy here at FairWinds.

One by one, the resident goats came to meet her. She posed prettily for the camera between introductions. 

Soon everyone was having a snack together. I am concerned the herd might not let her into the goat cozy tonight, but there is an alternative place for her to bunk in a little shed next to the cozy if they are being bratty. I hope they will all settle in and become a cohesive group soon. 

I look forward to having fresh milk again and getting to know our newest Caprine friend. Welcome, Happy. 

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