Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Unexpected guest...

 From where I sit to work, I have a fantastic view of the goat cozy, Billy Goat Gruff bridge, and many animal antics. It's a delight. Yesterday we noticed three goats standing at one end of the bridge, on full alert. They were posed similarly to this picture, but ears forward, eyes intent on something, and bodies rigid. They stood statue still, just staring. Rachel checked to see if there was a fox or something concerning and could not see anything to be alarmed over. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But still, the goats stayed statue still, riveted to something we did not see.  Rachel checked again and returned breathlessly, "Mom, get your camera!" 

I did as instructed and was so glad. Although we see deer in our meadow often, I've never seen a fawn up close until I turned the corner in the backyard and glanced into the chicken area. 



 It stayed about an hour, then wedged through the fence and went crying to find its mama. 

A lovely, unexpected guest. 

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