Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hen party..!

 This morning, the large laying hens were all gathered around the tiny chicken coop that houses the wee bantam chickens. They kept peering in the wee door and hanging out in the area they rarely visit. There was a lot of clucking going on. It looked like a party. 

When I peered in to check on the bantam Cochin hen who had been brooding a nest full of eggs, I found her fluffed up and glaring at me menacingly. 

I reached under her warm feathers and found... 

Six fluffy new chicks! Mama is carefully guarding and keeping them warm, and the rooster has not left the coop like usual. I think he is watching over his family. I shooed the big hens off and locked the little coop up to keep everyone safe. Welcome to FairWinds, chicks! 

Our little Owlet had her regular Saturday spend-the-night with us and enjoyed a pile of bacon and a bowl of raspberries for breakfast. Then she joined me for animal chores, tromping about in her teeny cowgirl boots. We showed her the new chicks, and she squealed with glee, "So cool!" 

Next, we trimmed all the goat's hooves, brushed them, put fly-repellent medication on them, and cleaned their house. 

Back inside for house chores, playtime, and a few snuggles. Every day is better when the Owlet is here to enjoy it with. 

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