Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last Day of Summer...

 There was a neighborhood pig roast today. A potluck affair with music and farm animals and lively conversation. The food was amazing, the company even better. 

I made my mom's macaroni and cheese recipe. 

The weather was overcast and cool. Just right for long-sleeved shirts or a light sweater. The season is changing. 

When we got home, there was puttering and some quiet time. We evicted the chicks from the kitchen and set them up in a freshly cleaned coop with a toasty heat lamp.  I mucked out the goat cozy, and Chris laid a fire in the backyard ring. We watched the bats come out and circle the dusky sky, feasting on the last of the season's flying insects. Soon, the bats will head for their winter lair, but for now, it is a pleasure to see them stitching through the air on silent wings. 

The chicks were in awe of their new digs. So. Much. Space. The goats dove into their fresh shavings and cuddled in for the night.

As for us, we toasted our knees by the fire and lifted a glass to the last day of summer. 

Welcome, fall. My very favorite season. 

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