Thursday, February 21, 2019

Things to crow about..?

Every morning I toss saved scraps out the front door, under the birch tree, and call, "HERE CROWS!" Normally I will almost instantly hear a crow call out in return, from some distance. If I wait a moment, one or more crows or ravens will soon come winging in, to land in the huge dead tamarack tree. There they wait, surveying the scene to see what my offerings are, and to make sure it is safe for them to swoop down and dine. 

It's a lovely little ritual. Unfortunately the cats have caught on. Even though they will have just polished off a big bowl full of fresh, raw, meat, they charge full tilt to the yard when they hear me call the crows, and investigate the treats I have tossed.  Today I noticed some particularly annoying behavior.  Click was carefully burying each piece of chicken skin, day old bread, and crust of cheese. He didn't want it, but he didn't want the crows to have it, either. What a jerk.

We had a few inches of snow overnight. My favorite kind, light and fluffy, easy to shovel. We were up before dawn, and in no time had the driveway and paths cleared. The world looks clean and fresh, and the temperature is just a bit below 30, which feels warm compared to the past few days.

A few of our customers postponed due to the weather, so I have a bit of time before I go to work. I tidied up the kitchen, and took a few pictures so I might create a blog post. Below is the sweet scene on the dining room window. I don't really like to have "collections," but suddenly realized I had a nice representation of many of the animals who have graced this place over the past few years. Gathered together they look quite droll.

On a recent trip to my favorite lamp repair/lamp shade/antique shop in Belfast, I found a pretty vintage lace tablecloth. It was square, and my table is oval, but I had another use in mind. Our living room sofa is wonderfully comfortable. It has duel electric recliners, and I simply love to settle there with my laptop or a book, but there is one problem. It's hideous. A vast expanse of dark brown, lacking in loveliness; it is boxy and boring It occurred to me that I could break up the swath of brown for a song... and so I did.

When I brought it  home last Sunday I immediately spread it on the back of the couch, and was happy with my purchase. That night, snuggled up and relaxing, I began to feel unwell. My throat was sore, and my sinuses were in an uproar. I sneezed a bunch of times, and my eyes were watery. "I'm getting sick," I thought, and dreaded the coming night, filled with congestion, and the thought of working the next day, feeling miserable. To my delight I slept fine, and woke up perky. Then it occurred to me, there were some mighty allergens in that lace!  I whisked it off for a spin in the washing machine and now all is well. I'd love to know what it was on the cloth that made me feel so bad, I rarely ever have any allergic reactions.

Chris often brings me flowers when he does the weekly grocery shopping. I have been enjoying these bright tulips, especially with the backdrop of snow. They seem to hold the promise of spring in their yellow cups.

In general, I don't have any rugs here, they just don't survive the dogs. However, when I found this gem last weekend, I knew it had to be mine.

 It cozies up the down stairs bathroom. I brought a few more crows in to keep it company.

And there I see I have started and finished this post with crows. Throw in some naughty cats and a little lace, and we'll call it a wrap.

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