Sunday, May 26, 2019

Open pasture...

There are many signs of the changing of the seasons here at the farmlette; the first day it is warm enough to use the garden hoses, when the daffodils bloom, the sound of the peepers calling on still- cold nights, all of these are delights. Today Chris made another big seasonal change happen, when he finished tweaking the fence in the upper pasture so we could let the livestock up there to graze.  This land belongs to our generous neighbors, who very kindly allow us to put up electric fence so the goats and donkeys can have a vastly enlarged smorgasbord to snack upon. I opened the gate with great excitement. The livestock looked on, not quite as enthused as I was.  I put a halter on Abraham and led him out.  He nibbled a moment, then headed back to the donkey dorm.  But the goats grasped the import of the event.

Spirit and Bliss went right to work sampling the salad bar. The kids, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, stood at the entrance looking perplexed. They nibbled a little, then hightailed it back to familiar turf. After a while they got brave and joined the big goats, exploring with obvious wonder. The donkeys made their way more slowly. Chris handed out celebratory cookies.

Now the deer and "Big Red," the groundhog will have company on this lovely slice of land.

Chris and I enjoyed a sandwich at the picnic table, watching the animals graze until the black flies drove us inside. Open pasture day is an especially happy sign of spring. Thank you, Chris! 

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