Thursday, January 23, 2025


 The garage cat brothers, dubbed Click and Clack, were a lively team. I knew the names would be problematic if or when we lost one, but the optimist in me forged ahead. 

Clack has grieved the loss of his brother. He went on somewhat of a hunger strike and made it clear that he was lonely and needed to come inside much, much more often. 

He found the feather pillow on the guest bed to be cozier than the heated cat house in the barn. 

The freshly washed duvet, toasty warm from the dryer, was better still! 

Hanging out in the studio, he monitors the children and mugs the customers, demanding pats and warm laps. When they ask his name, we have to tell the whole long story, and it's awkward. Rachel suggested he might need a new name for this chapter of his life. She suggested, "House cat." I've been thinking about it. 

Every few hours, he asks to go outside. I've seen him catch a small rodent or two during these walkabouts, so he still earns his keep. However, he doesn't stay out long, mewing quietly at the door and dashing inside when I open it with his tail flicking, looking pleased. 

When he came in tonight, he did deign to eat supper, then hopped up in a chair by the heater, purring loudly. "You like being a home cat, don't you?" I asked. He bumped me with his head. "Homer?" Could that be your new name? More purring. I think he approves of his new lifestyle and his new name.  

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