Sunday, June 10, 2018

And then there were six...

Five of this years crop of kids have gone off to nice, new homes. The herd of little, white, dancing goats is dwindling.  It has been a pleasure to watch them grow and bounce, explore and mature.  In two months they have gone from being the size of long-legged kittens to weighing 40 pounds or more, and they are all sleek and healthy. I love this picture of Spirit with one of her kids, resting in the shade for a mid-morning nap. They look so contented.

The flower gardens are coming along nicely this year. At least, where the naughty escapee rabbits leave things alone, they are.

The bird houses have had regular visits from blue birds, but no one has chosen to nest. We do have a nice family of tree swallows in one house, though. I am hoping a blue bird couple will choose to raise a brood here before the season is over.

Thelma and Louise, the piglets, have tripled in size during the month they have been here.  They drink up all the excess goat milk, with great gusto.  They've been very entertaining so far, wallowing in their mud hole, lounging in the shade, racing through the tall grass in their paddock and
rooting around in their hay-filled hut with deeply contented grunts.

Rachel and I have been quite active at work lately, with a wide variety of lovely and sweet dogs, cats, and their people, coming in.  This is the busy season for groomers, and we are grateful.

These cute ram lambs were born at Marion's farm in May, and will be coming to live here in July sometime.  I can hardly wait! 

Spring is unfolding at Fairwinds, with life growing and flowing all around us. It is all good.

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