Sunday, June 17, 2018

Oh shoot...!

To celebrate Father's Day, Chris wanted to trek to Bangor so we could check out a newer indoor shooting range he has been wanting to try. After morning chores I cooked him up his favorite breakfast, sausage with biscuits and gravy. I only cook this once or twice a year, because it is not exactly healthy, but it is very tasty.

After we enjoyed that hearty treat,  Rachel, Chris and I piled into her car and headed to the range.  We brought along three pistols. One that Chris is partial to, a newer .38 revolver that Chris bought with me in mind, and my trusty, old Ruger .22 revolver.  I have not shot much for years, and not at all since I dislocated my shoulder two years ago. I was a little worried that I would be unable to balance the gun properly. 

Chris showed his normal excellent marksmanship and Rachel did very well with all three guns.

I tried the .38 and found I was accurate enough to be a credible threat with it if the need arose, but I wan't getting the tight grouping I'd like. The gun is loud and felt unfamiliar and strange to me. Then I loaded my good ol' Ruger and found that I have not lost my touch. With a little practice I think I could tighten up my game, but I was able to get in the circle with every shot. This was pleasing.

We spent the better part of an hour there, taking turns, trading guns, poking holes in the paper. It was fun, and good to know I could still handle my weapon of choice.  

A late lunch and a pretty drive home, just in time to do chores and enjoy a peaceful evening at the farmlette.  Oh, shoot, that was a nice day.  

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