Sunday, January 10, 2021

Writing interrupted...

 I have an article due that I am past deadline on. My plan today was to write. Morning chores completed I sat by the fire a while, and Chris and I discussed the day. We needed to go to the feed store and pick up a few things, so we decided to treat ourselves to breakfast out, then get what we needed at the feed store. After that we would clean out the donkey dorm. That would leave me all afternoon to write. 

For some reason I was aching all over. I couldn't understand why until it hit me... yesterday, while going down the icy deck steps, I nearly fell. I did a crazy, spasmodic dance in order to stay upright, and it was that dance that left me sore. 

We got what we needed at the store and cleaned the donkey dorm. I brushed the donks and then settled my sore self on the sofa. I snuggled in under a quilt, fired up my laptop and thought, "I am not moving until this job is done." I was as happy as can be. Then my phone twitched, "Want to drive? Come to the farm." This was from Cheryl, and it meant they were taking Romeo out with his cart on this cold but sunny day. I chucked every plan I had, and in 5 minutes was in my truck, headed to her farm. On the way I passed them, Romeo trotting along pulling his cart. I parked at the farm and in a few moments they arrived. Several people got off the cart, and I got on. Seconds later we were heading down the road at a nice trot. The sun glinted off the snow, and I could smell the magical, heart lifting scent of horse as it wafted towards me. 

The cart was comfy, I sat next to the horses owner, and Cheryl stood on the back. Time slowed, and we chatted. When the wind kicked up, it was cold, but mostly the thin winter sun shone down and I watched the world go by at an easy pace.  After a while the driver turned Romeo left, up past an old chicken barn, into a snow covered field. There was a gentle rise, and tracks where a truck had been. Romeo surged up the hill and along the trail, until his owner turned him left. The little cart rolled over crusty snow, and Romeo traced a large circle on the uneven ground, twice. Then back on the track for a bit, and another large snow circle. After a while we descended to the road, and  headed back to the farm. 

We were out about an hour. An hour I could have made a big dent in my article, but spent better on a crisp January day watching the world pass at horse pace. Even our shadows were happy. 

Back home I reclaimed my laptop and comfortable seat. The article flowed out of my fingertips. Sometimes interruptions are a gift beyond describing. 

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