Thursday, September 16, 2021

Happy things...

In the fall, I toss old pumpkins, gourds, and squash into the pasture. The chickens and hoofstock like to munch on their flesh and seeds. Happily, some sort of broadleaf plants pop up around the field from the seeds left behind every spring. They thrive in manure-rich soil. It is always an interesting mystery to see what will emerge from the bright, orange blooms. Amazingly, the critters usually don't bother them, and I can harvest a crop of whatever it is that grows. This year we were blessed with delightful little white pumpkins and some unusual gourds. 

The chickens look pretty nosing about the plants. 

I love having little white pumpkins EVERYWHERE! I use them to decorate for fall. 

On a different note, I have always had a strong attraction to hawks and other birds of prey. Today this beauty buzzed close by the porch window, then landed in the birch. It posed a while for me to take some pictures. I suspect it was looking to dine on some songbird that frequents our feeders. It failed, but I was happy to get a photo, up close and personal. I am hoping someone can identify it for me. 

And now this... daughter Rachel and her husband just bought a fantastic house just 5 minutes from our home. This makes me happy on many levels. However, a few things are needed to make it more comfortable when they move in, such as light fixtures. For more on this, kindly read on.

This week a lovely young mom that Rachel went to high school with messaged that she had some items the baby might need. She lives on an island off the coast but was coming to town. Could we meet her? We had a busy day, so we got to thinking who we knew who might be willing to let her drop stuff off to later collect it. It only took a moment for me to think of Gloria, a sweet customer who lives near the ferry terminal. We called her, and she kindly agreed to our plan. So, tonight we drove to Gloria's adorable house and picked up a treasure trove of bouncy seats, baby baths, and more. We filled Rachel's sedan to the roof with gently used baby items. Then we headed to the hardware store, where we wandered the isles looking for bathroom light fixtures and such. We found a lovely light fixture and a new vanity that would nicely replace the tired one currently in their bathroom and snagged it. 

As we pushed the cart out of the store, a horrid thought occurred to me. The car was stuffed with baby seats, tubs, and bouncers, and we had this oversized heavy vanity in our cart.  "How are we going to fit this?" I asked.  Rachel twinkled at me, "MAGIC!" she said with firm resolve, then she flounced off to get her wee car. 

We restacked the baby items, wedging them in the back seat and freeing up the way back. As we got ready to shift the vanity from the cart to the car, Rachel spied a sturdy-looking young man headed our way. "Sir," she said in a sweet voice. "I am pregnant, and I don't want to make my mother do all this work. Could you help us?" The man grinned and approached. He nicely lifted the big box and stuffed it into the back of the car.  

"You can tell people you helped a pregnant woman and an old bag all in one fell swoop," I quipped. He laughed and helped us secure the load. 

We headed home.  On my road, Rachel had to swerve to miss a dead fawn on the pavement. But, true to form, she turned the car around, grabbed a flashlight, and hauled the deer off the road and onto the gravel. She then called the sheriff's department to report the deer, so perhaps any meat could be saved to feed the hungry. 

We were sad about the dead fawn but happy about the lovely new house, the whole car of wonderful gifted baby things, the kind man who laughingly helped us load the new vanity and time together. So there was a lot of happiness in our day. 

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